As a Connecticut resident, did you know that you pay the 2nd highest rate for electricity in the entire country? And it continues to increase every year. We can reduce your high energy bills while at the same time making your home both healthier and more comfortable to live in.

You may qualify for a full comprehensive home energy assessment designed to reduce your homes energy usage and save you money $$$ at no cost to you!!!

Home Energy Solutions Income Eligible is a program performed by New England Smart Energy Group that can help you save big on energy bills all year round!!!

You may also qualify to have your home insulated at little to no cost!!!

What’s included in the assessment?

  • Conduct blower-door and duct-blaster tests to locate and then seal air leaks to reduce heating and cooling costs in the home
  • Review insulation, HVAC, Windows, common and exterior lighting and make recommendations offering incentives where available (based on cost    effectiveness)
  • Install LED’s where needed in place of existing incandescent bulbs (no limit per home)
  • Install water-saving measures (low flow showerheads, aerators for sinks)
  • Test for CO, gas leaks, asbestos and mold
  • You may be able to receive insulation installed in your home at no cost or for a small co-pay!!!

Please click the Apply Now button below for our application and qualifications or if you have any questions for HES IE please contact New England Smart Energy Group at:

Phone: 203-292-8088
Email: [email protected]


Paul Gabauer, Chairman of Clinton’s Energy Committee, presented a check for $375 from New England Smart Energy to Families Helping Families President, Miner Vincent. NESE has committed through the Energy Committee to provide comprehensive energy audits to the citizens of Clinton.

As a give back, they have provided a donation to help families in need. Families Helping Families thanks everyone who received an audit and was able to save money on energy costs, and in doing so indirectly helping other friends, family or neighbors.